shaftehead.jpgGFWAust provided expertise in soil permeation grouting to stabilise the ground during shaft sinking

Cluff Resources had excavated an investigation shaft for diamonds near Copton in New England. The shaft had descended to a depth of 45m when they hit waterlogged sands probably form collapsed old mine workings. Dewatering wells around the shaft were unable to control the groundwater to enable the excavation and lining to continue. Cluff sought GFWA’s assistance to stabilize the ground to complete the shaft sinking.

The shaft was only 2m in diameter. GFWA proposed the use of microfine cements and polyurethane injection.

Trials were carried out on soil samples to determine the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.

Trials with Meyco 355k single component and Meyco 355/A were trialed and was found to be successful on the coarse gravel matrix but was unable to penetrate the fine silty sands

David Lees also carried out the design of the timber support for the exploration drives from the base of the shaft.