DSC_0014.jpgGFWAust carried out water permeability tests above the coal seam at a depth of 400m below surface

The Kestrel Mine, previously known as the Gordonstone Mine, commenced operating in 1992. Rio Tinto Coal Australia owns an 80 per cent interest in the mine with Mitsui Kestrel Coal Investment holding the remaining 20 per cent. Rio Tinto Coal Australia manages the mining operation on behalf of the joint venture.

The mine has a world class seam of about 2 - 3.5 metres. The majority of coal at the Kestrel Mine is extracted by longwall mining.

  As part of the development of a new longwall, concern was raised over the hydrogeological conditions above the coal seam and the effect of this on the proposed mining. Grouting and Foundation Works Australia were appointed to carry our deep hole packer testing to depths up to 400m below surface as part of the investigation and design of the new longwall extraction.