GFWAust have been awarded Gold Contractor status by Integral Energy for injection of bentonite in conduits to provide cooling of their electrical cables.

Rouse Hill – NSW

To provide power for the new housing and shopping centre at Rouse Hill,Integral Energy installed 6 No 110mm diameter cables along Schofileds Road from Rouse Hill substation. The total length of the run was over 2.5km. GFWAust were appointed to fill the 150mm diameter conduits with bentonite after the cables had been installed. Cat holes were excavated at 150 to 200m in the road.

Hoxton Park – NSW
The widening of Hoxton Park Road included the installation of new power cables by Integral Energy. Connect were appointed to install three 90mm cables in 150mm diameter conduits over a total length of 2.15km.
The distance between cat holes was approximately 250m. GFWAust were appointed to fill the conduits with bentonite after the cables had been installed. The project work was carried out in less than a week to fulfill the tight requirements of the program.

Liverpool West Substation -NSW

Removal of overhead cables and trnsfer to underground ducts required bentonite injection to cool the cables for two 150m long feeders.