westcamden1.jpgGFWAust were appointed to backfill the annulus around a new low level line sewer pipe between the new pump station and the existing pump station.

West Camden Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is being upgraded as part of Sydney Water's long-term water and wastewater strategy. The plant upgrade is being undertaken by CHBM Water (a joint venture between CH2M Hill and Laing O'Rourke). This work included the construction of a new wet weather pump station.
GFWAust were appointed to backfill the annulus around a new low level line sewer pipe between the new pump station and the existing pump station. The bore was 800mm diameter with a DN 600 DICL sewer main. The pipe was about 15m long with access via a 30m deep shaft requiring confined space restrictions on the work. GFWaust filled the void with a non-shrink, anti-bleed, precision grout giving a strength of 40 Mpa. westcamden.jpg