NIDC.jpgGFWAust were appointed to carry out permeation ground to stabilize the sand beneath the internal load bearing walls.

St Hilliers Contracting is responsible for construction of the $24 million National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) at Redfern. Redfern Public School is being redeveloped into a National Indigenous Development Centre for Indigenous social, educational and sporting programs. The centre will provide temporary accommodation, dinning, sporting and educational facilities for up to 100 people, including a pool, gym, basketball court, training oval, class rooms, childcare, and commercial offices.

The significant heritage buildings and vacant areas of the site are being integrated and developed for five major activities, each supporting the role of the centre.  A hostel will provide dormitory accommodation for visiting educational and sporting groups of up to 100 people, with associated sleeping, dining, classroom and recreational areas. The heritage buildings are founded on sand and required underpinning to increase the headroom in the rooms on the ground floor. GFWAust used ultrafine grout mixed with a microsilica slurry, and a superplasticiser to assist with dispersion of the grout in the sand.